Veterinary stamp "Horsemeat" (Rectangular). 00-01022539 - buy in the TempStamp online store at good prices!
"Veterinary stamp "Horsemeat" (Rectangular)"

Veterinary stamp "Horsemeat" (Rectangular)

Availablity: Pre Order

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SKU: 00-01022539


Width: 20;Length: 50;The stamp on meat products must be done. It makes clear the kind of meat, the quality of the product and where to transport it. Today, by law, all meat products from moose to poultry must have their own markings and be stamped. Let's find out the rules of marking of horsemeat. First of all, the veterinarian checks the quality of the meat. According to quality level of horsemeat marks should be made such as: Veterinary stamp Horsemeat (Rectangular ) Also there are some stamps to mark the category. Horsemeat and foal of the first category is marked with a round mark; the second category is marked with a square mark; horse meat, which completely does not meet the standard and has the lowest quality, belongs to the third category and is branded with a triangular mark. Without fail, in order to avoid confusion and confusion during further operation or transportation, each half-carcass on the right side is marked with a special stamp that indicates what kind of meat it is. Accordingly, on the right side you can find the Veterinary stamp Horsemeat (Rectangular). But as practice shows, horse meat is not always excellent and even when the half-carcass of young animals cannot fully comply with the requirements and standards, they are not marked with the letter M. This mono stamp can be seen only on the carcass of young animals of high quality production. A fairly popular foal meat, it is in special demand, but if it has a round stamp with the letter Ж. This is the mark that indicates the quality of the meat of a young foal. In the same case, when a foal does not meet the standards for fatness and other standards, it is evaluated according to the requirements of horsemeat, set for young animals. It is worth noting that they mark it in the same way. There are such cases that there is no Horsemeat stamp, but the Stallion stamp is instead. This is normal, since in this case we are talking about stallion meat, and it has its own special rules, norms and characteristics. Note that there are stamps on half carcasses of young animals with the letter “Д”, in which case it is worth knowing that this meat is intended for baby food.
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