Stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO. 00-01022519 - buy in the TempStamp online store at good prices!
"Stamp "Sign of UkrSEPRO"

Stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO

Availablity: Pre Order

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SKU: 00-01022519


Width: 40;Length: 40;The reliability and quality of products and services, the compliance of production with standards (DSTU, TU, GOST and others) and state regulatory documents in Ukraine are checked by the UkrSEPRO certification system . It is a unified state system of certification of products and services in Ukraine. In order to check the quality of the product, it needs to go through a series of tests in testing laboratories and get positive results, as well as accredited specialists from UkrSEPRO should study the technical documentation for manufactured products or services and check for compliance with GOST , DSTU, TU and other standards, visit production and conduct an audit. If the product complies with all regulatory documents, then UkrSEPRO issues a certificate of conformity, which is an indicator of the recognized quality of the product, which at times increases the competitiveness and attractiveness of the product for the buyer. In order for the consumer to know that the products are certified in accordance with the rules of the certification system, a conformity stamp is applied on it. Conformity stamp is applied to the non-removable part of the product or to packaging or documentation. The place where the mark of conformity is affixed is established by the enterprise that has received the right to use it. Our company produces the stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO. The stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO is a metal rod with a relief applied to the side surface, from the end of which a drawing is made. The stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO reliable and durable as it is made of stainless steel grade У8A with quenching in a high-temperature furnace without fail. The durability of the stamp Sign of UkrSEPRO allows printing on virtually all types of alloys and metals.
Manufacturing technology of impact stamps
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