List of amending documents

(in ed. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 05.06.2014 N 185)

1.1. Meat and meat products (offal) of all types of agricultural and wild animals, including poultry, are subject to mandatory branding by veterinary stamps in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

1.2. Branding of meat and meat products by oval stamp is carried out by veterinarians and veterinary paramedics who are in staff of organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network that have compulsorily passed a commission, with the participation of a representative of the state state inspection of Russia as part of Russia, krai, and the region, attestation on practical and theoretical issues of veterinary and sanitary examination, which received official permission from the state inspector of the district (city). Veterinarians and veterinary paramedics of other organizations and institutions during the veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and meat products obtained at the house slaughter and at slaughter stations and sent for processing to meat-processing plants (shops, factories) or sold in the markets under the control of the state service, are stigmatized "Preliminary inspection".

1.3. Veterinary stamps and stamps are made in the prescribed manner with the written permission of the state veterinary inspector of the region (city) of bronze or other stainless metal, established forms and sizes with a deeply cut rim, numbers and letters in order to obtain a clear impression on the surface of the meat. Veterinary stamps can be made from rubber.

1.4. The lists of veterinarians and veterinary medical assistants who have been granted the right to stamp meat and have been given permission to manufacture veterinary stamps and stamps, according to the main state veterinary inspectors of republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1.5. Branding of meat is carried out only after a veterinary-sanitary examination.

1.6. Brands are kept by a veterinarian (vet-doctor) who has received the right to stamp meat, in conditions that completely exclude their unauthorized use.

1.7. For marking of meat, paints permitted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance are used.


2. Veterinary stamps


2.1. For marking of meat, veterinary stamps and stamps on the suitability of meat for food are set in accordance with their description in Appendix 1 of this Instruction.

2.2. Oval veterinary stamp

has in the center three pairs of numbers, the first of which means republic number in the structure of the Russian Federation, autonomous formation, region, region, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the ordinal number of the district (city) and the third is the ordinal number of the institution, organization, enterprise. At the top of the stamp is the inscription "Russian Federation", and at the bottom - "State veterinary inspection". The oval veterinary stamp confirms that the veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and meat products has been carried out in full and that the product is produced for food purposes without restrictions.

Meat to be disposed of is put only on the veterinary stamp, indicating the procedure for using meat in accordance with the applicable veterinary and sanitary or sanitary-hygienic norms and rules.

2.3. Rectangular veterinary stamp

It has the inscription "Veterinary Service" at the top, the "Preliminary Inspection" in the center, and below there are three pairs of numbers: the first one indicates the ordinal number of the republic within the Russian Federation, an autonomous entity, region, region, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg; the second is the ordinal number of the district (city) and the third is the ordinal number of the institution, organization, enterprise. The rectangular stamp "Preliminary Inspection" confirms that the meat was obtained from slaughter animals that underwent pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspection (horses were examined while living on glanders) and were killed in quarantine-free farms, but this branding does not give the right to sell meat without performing veterinary tests in full.

2.4. Rectangular veterinary stamps have the inscription "Veterinary Service" at the top, in the center the designation of the type of disinfection:"Welding", "On boiled sausage", "On meat breads", "On canned goods", "On the refiner" (fat, fat), "Foot and mouth disease", "Finnoz", "Tuberculosis", "Disposal"; at the bottom there are three pairs of figures: the first one denotes the ordinal number of the republic within the Russian Federation, autonomous entity, region, city, Moscow, St. Petersburg; the second is the ordinal number of the district (city) and the third is the ordinal number of the institution, organization, enterprise.

2.5. Additional rectangular stamps have in the center the identification of the meat of animal species: "horsemeat", "Camel", "Venison", "Bear meat" Рё С‚.Рґ.

2.6. For marking offal, rabbit meat and poultry, an oval-shaped veterinary stamp is used, as specified in clause 2.2 of this Instruction, but of a smaller size.

On meat-poultry processing plants, poultry farms, you can use an electric seal without a rim with the designation of the numbers 1 or 2 (depending on the category), which is placed on the outer side of the tibia of the bird.

When packing carcasses in plastic film bags, marking of the type and category of poultry meat is applied directly to the packages by typographical method.

2.7. In veterinary stamps and stamps, the first pair of digits is assigned by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (the numbers are listed in App. 2);

(in ed. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 05.06.2014 N 185)

the second pair of figures is assigned by the chief state veteransponsors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous entities, territories, regions;

the third pair of numbers is assigned by the state inspector of the district (city).

The main state veterinary inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous formations, territories, regions submit to the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation a list of new veterinary stamps and stamps in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of this Instruction.

(in ed. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 05.06.2014 N 185)


3. The procedure for marking meat and offal


3.1. For meat of all animal species a print of veterinary stamp or a stamp is put in the following order:

- for meat carcasses and half-carcasses - one in the area of each shoulder blade and thigh;

- for every quarter, pieces of spear - one stamp;

- on the heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidneys, head - one mark each (required for laboratory veterinary examinations);

- on carcasses of rabbits and nutria put two marks; one by one in the area of the scapula and on the outer side of the thigh;

- in laboratories of veterinary sanitary examination, one bird is put on the carcass of the carcass on the neck or outer surface of the thigh (the marking of the game is carried out similarly);

- in meat-poultry processing plants, poultry processing plants and poultry farms put electroclaime on the outer surface of the tibia: in tushek teashek teashek teashek teehek teepek teepets on the outer surface of the calf: chickens, ducklings, guinea fowers - on one leg; in duck, goslings, geese, turkey poults and turkeys - on both legs;

- on poultry carcasses that are subject to industrial processing, put in the back area electroclaime "п" .

The meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, passed veterinary expertise, is branded with vetglaim and next to it is additionally stamped in accordance with clause 2.5 of this Instruction.

On the fat - the raw stamp is not put, and stick a few labels with a print of veterinary stamp.

3.2. Meat and offal of animals obtained under conditions precluding the conduct of a complete list of veterinary and sanitary research are branded with rectangular stamp" Preliminary inspection " and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for veterinary sanitary examination in full.

3.3. Meat and offal, to be released only after decontamination and sent for processing to sausage and other products, should be supplied only with a veterinary stamp denoting a detoxification method or diagnosis, and no oval stamp should be placed.

3.4. In addition to veterinary boar meat, a "Boar PP" stamp


(the letters "ID" denote industrial processing).

3.5. On the container with bird carcasses to be disposed of, they stick several labels with impressions of veterinary stamps denoting according to the rules of veterinary examination of meat and meat products a method of neutralization: " Procurement ",


and others.

3.6. On the carcasses (carcasses) of all animal species (including birds and rabbits), recognized by the results of the veterinary-sanitary examination unsuitable for food purposes, put at least 3 - 4 impressions of the veterinary stamp with the inscription "Scrap ".

3.7. Meat that has changed its veterinary and sanitary characteristics as a result of a violation of the conditions of storage or transportation is subject to repeated veterinary sanitary examination and rebranding with stamping in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4 and 3.1 of this Instruction with prior removal of impressions oval stamps .


4. Control and responsibility

for the implementation of this Instruction


4.1. Veterinary specialists who have received the right of branding are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Responsibility for the implementation of the Instruction rests with the managers of farms, enterprises and organizations involved in the slaughter of animals and the processing of products of their slaughter, refrigerators, refrigerators and transport services, as well as citizens - owners of livestock.

4.3. This Instruction is mandatory for all veterinary specialists, heads of farms, enterprises and organizations for processing livestock and poultry, markets and refrigerators, regardless of ownership, all ministries and departments without exception, as well as citizens.

4.4. Trade and catering enterprises, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, are allowed to receive, process and sell meat in carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters, only having an oval-shaped veterinary stamp and accompanied by a veterinary certificate (certificate).

4.5. Control over the implementation of the Instruction is vested in the state veterinary supervision authorities.


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Instructions for stamping meat , approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR 08/04/71 (with Changes and additions from 1977), since the introduction of this Instruction in part, determining the procedure for veterinary evaluation and veterinary stamping of meat in the territory of the Russian Federation does not apply.




Приложение 1

к Инструкции

по ветеринарному клеймению мяса






1. Oval claim


Size: 40 x 60 мм

Rim width - 1,5 мм

Letter height - 6 мм

Height of numbers - 12 мм

2. Oval-shaped stamp (smaller) for stamping meat of rabbits, poultry, nutria, etc.

Size: 25 x 40 мм

Rim width - 1 мм

Letter heigh - 3 мм

Height of numbers - 6 мм

3. Rectangular stamp




Size: 40 x 60 мм

Rim width - 1,5 мм

Letter heigh - 7 мм

4. Veterinary stamps



Size: 40 x 70 мм

Rim width - 1,5 мм

Letter heigh - 7 мм

5. Additional stamps


Size: 20 x 50 мм

Rim width - 1,5 мм

Letter heigh - 7 мм

6. Electro-kleyma for bird carcasses in meat-poultry processing plants, poultry processing plants, poultry farms


                        1       2       П


Letter heigh - 20 мм